In the following, we provide you with essential information on asphericon as quick and easy downloads. If you require further material, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Company Brochure | BeamTuning | StockOptics Catalog |
📎 Company Brochure | 📎 Brochure | 📎 StockOptics Catalog Europe 📎 StockOptics Catalog North America |
Terms and Conditions | DIN-Certification | Technologies |
📎 Terms and Conditions 📎 Terms of Purchase | 📎 Certificate asphericon GmbH 📎 Certificate asphericon s.r.o. | 📎 Production capabilities |
Data sheets components | Data sheets BeamTuning | Coating curves | Design-Files | Declarations of conformity |
📎 FusedSilica 📎 High-NA 📎 Low-NA 📎 Custom Aspheres 📎 Acylinder 📎 Axicons 📎 Spheres 📎 Mirrors 📎 Freeform optics 📎 Freeform optics for line structuring | 📎 BeamExpander 📎 AspheriColl 📎 VariColl 📎 TopShape 📎 AiryShape 📎 SqAiryShape 📎 Adapter 📎 VariMount 📎 Beam shaping for quantum sensors | 📎 S-LAH64 Aspheres 📎 N-BK7 Aspheres 📎 Fused Silica Aspheres 📎 a|Axicons 📎 a|Acylinder | 📎 Design-Files Aspheres 📎 Design-Files Acylinder 📎 Design-Files Axicons 📎 Design-Files Beam Expander | 📎 REACH 📎 RoHS |
Terms and Conditions
📎 Terms and Conditions
📎 Terms of Purchase
📎 Download asphericon GmbH Certificate
📎 Download asphericon s.r.o. Certificate
📎 StockOptics Catalog Europe
📎 StockOptics Catalog North America
Data sheets
📎 Data sheet FusedSilica Aspheres
📎 Data sheet High-NA Aspheres
📎 Data sheet Low-NA Aspheres
📎 Data sheet Custom Aspheres
📎 Data sheet Acylinder
📎 Data sheet Axicons
📎 Data sheet Spheres
📎 Data sheet Mirrors
📎 Data sheet Freeform optics
📎 Data sheets BeamExpander
📎 Data sheets AspheriColl
📎 Data sheets VariColl
📎 Data sheets TopShape
📎 Data sheets AiryShape
📎 Data sheets SqAiryShape
📎 Data sheets Adapter
📎 Data sheet VariMount
📎 Design-Files of all Aspheres
📎 Design-Files of all Acylinder
📎 Design-Files of all Axicons
📎 Design-Files of all Beam Expander
Coating curves
📎 Coating curves S-LAH64 Aspheres
📎 Coating curves N-BK7 Aspheres
📎 Coating curves Fused Silica Aspheres
📎 Coating curves a|Axicons
📎 Coating curves a|cylinder
📎 REACH declaration of conformity
📎 RoHS declaration of conformity