
City Cycling 2024 - The results

Jena celebrates milestones in its commitment to sustainable mobility

Jena celebrates milestones in its commitment to sustainable mobility

Jena, October 9th 2024: Jena’s CITY CYCLING has once again achieved impressive results and set new records. With more than 4,000 participants (+38% compared to last year) in a total of 161 teams, the cycling campaign was a complete success. The cyclists covered over 700,000 kilometers - 26% more than last year and a new record for the city of Jena.

Once again, the Jena schools were among the strongest teams in the city. They made up the largest group of participants and cycled the most kilometers. The Anger-Gymnasium, already the best school team in Thuringia in 2023, defended its top position with an impressive 55,000 kilometres. With a total of 420 cyclists, the school contributed almost 8% of Jena’s total. The most active school cycling team this year was the Freie Waldorfschule Jena with 295 km per capita.

As well as the leading trio of Anger-Gymnasium, Otto-Schott-Gymnasium and Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium, other schools in the city’s top 20 teams include the Montessori School, the Kaleidoscope School, the Christian Gymnasium, the Heinrich-Heine School and the Jenaplan School. The commitment of teachers and students is a strong signal for the promotion of cycling.

The ADFC Jena-Saaletal came out on top in the Best Clubs category with 439 km per capita. This was followed by the DAV Section Jena with 295 km per capita and the Naturfreunde Thüringen e.V. MTB-Jena with 273 km per capita.

The asphericon GmbH team also put in a strong performance. With more than 8,000 kilometers cycled, the previous year’s result was clearly surpassed. This corresponds to an average of 354 kilometers per capita and secures the team a place in the top 10 of all participants in this category.

“Every year, CITY CYCLING motivates more and more people to get on their bikes - from kindergarteners and schoolchildren to professionals and sports enthusiasts. The commitment of the schools in particular is impressive and must be an incentive for the city to continue investing in cycling infrastructure,” comments Alexander W. Zschäbitz, Managing Director of asphericon GmbH. “In this way, we can help to ensure that even the youngest cyclists can get around the city safely, easily and quickly. As a long-standing supporter, we are delighted with the high level of participation and are proud to be part of this movement”.

“Jena has really done well in the CITY CYCLING competition. What is particularly impressive is that we have overtaken Erfurt for the first time in terms of the number of cyclists, with 4,046 to 3,592. The 3,000 kilometers that Erfurt cycled this year will be made up next year. This achievement shows how important the bicycle is as a means of transport in Jena and that we are on the right track with the step-by-step implementation of the Jena 2035+ bicycle plan”, emphasises Mayor Thomas Nitzsche.

STADTRADELN is a nationwide initiative of Klima-Bündnis e.V., which stands for safe cycling and more climate protection. The City of Jena is organising CITY CYCLING with the support of the Free State of Thuringia, the AGFK Thuringia, the ADFC Thuringia and asphericon GmbH.

More information: https://www.stadtradeln.de/jena

Contact Stadtradeln Jena

Ulrike Zimmermann
Tel.: +49-3641-495328
E-Mail: ulrike.zimmermann[at]jena.de

Contact asphericon GmbH

Dr. Thomas Hegenbart
Tel.: +49-3641-3100500
E-Mail: presse[at]aspherion.com

About asphericon

As an independent and recognized specialist, asphericon is the technology leader in the field of optical systems. Production is based on a proprietary and patented technology for controlling CNC grinding and polishing machines. This technology is unique in the world and allows the production of small quantities as well as large series with high precision. asphericon supports its customers from optical design, production and coating, full-surface interferometric measurement and documentation to the assembly of optical components and their optical characterization.

Further Information

Dr. Thomas Hegenbart
Tel.: +49-3641-3100500
Fax: +49-3641-3100501
E-mail: presse[at]aspherion.com