
Information for Whistleblowers

The new Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) requires companies with more than 50 employees to set up an internal whistleblower system. In line with this decision, we would like to inform you about the reporting office we have set up.

asphericon GmbH Whistleblower Channel

All employees as well as customers, suppliers and other business partners can anonymously report violations that are subject to penalties or fines or violations of asphericon’s principles. They and their family members are protected from sanctions.

Anonymous reporting of serious matters

You can submit information about reasonable suspicion, knowledge of actual or potential violations and attempts to conceal such violations that have occured or are very likely to occur. You can also report unethical behavior or behavior that violates internal guidelines. Other personnel matters cannot be reported through this system. Instead, these should be discussed with the CEO, your direct supervisor or the HR department. Reports can be made either with your contact details or 100% anonymously. All reports will be kept strictly confidential and protected. The report can be submitted in text form or as a voice message. When submitting a text report, metadata will be removed and an IP address will not be saved. When submitting a voice message, you can switch on “voice distortion” to ensure anonymity.

All submissions are kept confidential and secure.

Reporting process and communication guidelines for the whistleblower channel

asphericon GmbH has commissioned the law firm UHLE und HANZ - Rechtsanwälte Gera, Arndtstraße 1, 07545 Gera, Germany with the technical provision of the “Whistleblower Software ApS” platform. The service provider was carefully selected. It is responsible for the regular monitoring of the careful handling and security of the data.

The law firm UHLE und HANZ, who are responsible for operating the internal reporting office, will only make the confirmation of receipt, further information on the processing of your report and any questions visible to you in the reporting channel. Please log in from time to time to see whether there are any messages for you. This will allow you to check the status of your report to see if any action is being taken and, if necessary, to add additional information to the report. You will receive a password at the end of your registration. Please be sure to save it. It will be used for further communication with the reporting office while fully preserving your anonymity.

Further information about the HinSchG can be found at the following link: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/en/hinschg-german-whistleblowing-protection-act

Necessary information on the use of a whistleblower system can be found at: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/en/whistleblowing-system

A report can be created by clicking on the following link: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/asphericon