
asphericon GmbH
Stockholmer Str. 9
07747 Jena

Phone: +49 (0)3641 3100 500
Fax: +49 (0)3641 3100 501
E-Mail: info[at]asphericon.com
Website: www.asphericon.com

Managing Directors (authorized to represent)

Dipl.-Inf. Sven R. Kiontke
Dipl.-Volkswirt Alexander W. Zschäbitz

Court of record: Amtsgericht Jena
Record number: HRB 208860
Sales tax identification number (para. 27a UstG): DE-216111915
Responsible person according to para. 6 MDStV:: Alexander W. Zschäbitz


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General Terms and Conditions of asphericon GmbH

The Terms and Conditions of asphericon GmbH are available as pdf.


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